What Percentage Of People Have Blue Eyes In The World
What Percentage Of People Have Blue Eyes In The World - Hazel is not a very common eye color. There are no definite. For example, lithuania boasts a staggering 95% of its population having blue eyes, followed closely by finland and estonia with 89%. Even in the united states, around. Between 8% to 10% of the world population has blue eyes. Which are most common in europe. Baltic and scandinavian countries such as estonia, finland, sweden, and iceland have some. Light colored eyes (blue and green) are a minority originating from north west europe only and are a recessive trait, meaning if two people breed and one has brown eyes, it. It is estimated that more than 80%. The deal prompted hope that the war could end soon, but also caused worry that the tentative. Between 8 to 10 percent of the world's population. The most prevalent place to find people with blue eyes (and where those percentages are considerably higher) is in the scandinavian region. Europe also has pocket where people with. Countries such as finland, estonia, ireland, and sweden boast a significant percentage of the population with blue eyes, a feature that has been influenced by genetic heritage and historical. If you have ever been curious about the exact percentage of people with blue eyes in different parts of the world, look no further. Below is a list of the top six countries with the most. Globally, only about eight to 10 percent of people have this eye color with europe containing the large majority. If you have ever been curious about the exact percentage of.
Hazel is not a very common eye color. There are no definite. For example, lithuania boasts a staggering 95% of its population having blue eyes, followed closely by finland and estonia with 89%. Even in the united states, around. Between 8% to 10% of the world population has blue eyes. Which are most common in europe. Baltic and scandinavian countries such as estonia, finland, sweden, and iceland have some. Light colored eyes (blue and green) are a minority originating from north west europe only and are a recessive trait, meaning if two people breed and one has brown eyes, it. It is estimated that more than 80%. The deal prompted hope that the war could end soon, but also caused worry that the tentative. Between 8 to 10 percent of the world's population. The most prevalent place to find people with blue eyes (and where those percentages are considerably higher) is in the scandinavian region. Europe also has pocket where people with.