Orange Theory 2g

Orange Theory 2g - How Did Gary Burghoff Lose His Fingerstimeline Friends2 Read on for some considerations. Come here to discuss the workouts, the results, and get help from your fellow otfers. We are operated and moderated by community members, and we are not affiliated with the. When i first got into otf, i was almost exclusively in the 2g format. Now, more and more i am getting 3g classes. I am curious as to what people view the pros/cons with each ? โ€œ2gโ€ indicates โ€œtwo groupsโ€ because the class is split into two workout groups. One group begins on the treadmill, while the other group works on the weight floor or rower.

How Did Gary Burghoff Lose His Fingerstimeline Friends2

Orange Theory 2g