Minor Psu
Minor Psu - Minors across penn state. Here is a list of minors that best complement programs offered in the school of eecs. Specifically, the minor will be focused on a program that will build an understanding of core information technologies and related areas of study; Will prepare students for the practical. Penn state offers more than 160 majors, 200 minors, and 100 undergraduate certificates across the university. Below you will find a full catalog of all majors and programs available across all. The minor in computer science at penn state harrisburg provides basic proficiency in computer science, with an emphasis on building both a theoretical framework for computer science and. A minor in political science is a great complement to other majors across the university. These programs are offered in conjunction with other academic colleges at penn state. Minors minor in engineering mechanics. The department of engineering science and mechanics (esm) offers an engineering mechanics minor to undergraduates who wish to supplement. A minor program may consist of course work in a single area or from several disciplines, but must include at least six credits at the 400. Thinking about going back to school at 30? Penn state world campus offers more than 200 degrees and certificates spanning 13 topic areas. Enhance your bachelor's degree from penn. The political science minor consists of 18 credits with at least one course in each of the following political science areas: American, theory/methodology, comparative, and international. Minors across penn state. Here is a list of minors that best complement programs offered in the school of eecs. Specifically, the minor will be focused on a program that will build an understanding of core information technologies and related areas of study; Will prepare students for the practical. Penn state offers more than 160 majors, 200 minors, and 100 undergraduate certificates across the university. Below you will find a full catalog of all majors and programs available across all. The minor in computer science at penn state harrisburg provides basic proficiency in computer science, with an emphasis on building both a theoretical framework for computer science and. A minor in political science is a great complement to other majors across the university. These programs are offered in conjunction with other academic colleges at penn state. Minors minor in engineering mechanics. The department of engineering science and mechanics (esm) offers an engineering mechanics minor to undergraduates who wish to supplement.
Minors across penn state. Here is a list of minors that best complement programs offered in the school of eecs. Specifically, the minor will be focused on a program that will build an understanding of core information technologies and related areas of study; Will prepare students for the practical. Penn state offers more than 160 majors, 200 minors, and 100 undergraduate certificates across the university. Below you will find a full catalog of all majors and programs available across all. The minor in computer science at penn state harrisburg provides basic proficiency in computer science, with an emphasis on building both a theoretical framework for computer science and. A minor in political science is a great complement to other majors across the university. These programs are offered in conjunction with other academic colleges at penn state. Minors minor in engineering mechanics. The department of engineering science and mechanics (esm) offers an engineering mechanics minor to undergraduates who wish to supplement.